Notice of first launch, interruption or termination of supply of a human drug
 DateHolderCodeDrugDate fromSubject ▼
 23.5.2019TEVA Pharmaceuticals Slovakia s.r.o. (TEV-SK)8028BCinacalcet Teva 30 mg filmom obalené tablety (tbl flm 28x30 mg (blis.PVC/Aclar/PVC/Al))31.5.2019O
 18.4.2019Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. (TEV-CZ-2)58780Ecobec 100 µg Easi-Breathe (aer ora 200x100 µg/1 dávka (obal Al tlak.+aplik.))26.4.2019O
 23.5.2019BB Pharma a.s. (BBP-CZ-1)68999AMPICILIN BBP 0,5 g (plo jof 10x0,5 g (liek.skl.))20.5.2019O
 2.5.2019Mylan Pharmaceuticals Limited (MLB-IE-1)5406BPregabalin Mylan 75 mg tvrdé kapsuly (cps dur 56x75 mg (blis.PVC/PVDC/Al))3.5.2019O
 2.5.2019Mylan Pharmaceuticals Limited (MLB-IE-1)5435BPregabalin Mylan 300 mg tvrdé kapsuly (cps dur 56x300 mg (blis.PVC/PVDC/Al))3.5.2019O
 24.5.2019Glenmark Pharmaceuticals s.r.o. (GLM-CZ)6406BBendamustine Glenmark 2,5 mg/ml (plc ifo 5x100 mg (liek.inj.skl.jantárová))23.5.2019O
 27.5.2019MERCK spol. s r.o. (MRS)02048Euthyrox 88 mikrogramov (tbl 100x88 µg (blis.PP/Al))27.5.2019O
 27.5.2019MERCK spol. s r.o. (MRS)05252Euthyrox 88 mikrogramov (tbl 100x88 µg (blis.PVC/Al))27.5.2019O
 9.5.2019Actavis Group PTC ehf. (ACT-10)12118Levetiracetam Actavis 1000 mg filmom obalené tablety (tbl flm 100x1000 mg (blis.Al/PVC))17.5.2019O
 27.5.2019STADA Arzneimittel AG (STD)28160Orofar (pas ord 24 (blis.PVC/PE/PVDC/Al))27.5.2019O
 9.5.2019Berlin-Chemie AG (BCE)34059ZOVUDEX 125 mg (tbl 7x125 mg (blis.PVC/Al))15.5.2019O
 9.5.2019Berlin-Chemie AG (BCE)32575Priligy 30 mg filmom obalené tablety (tbl flm 3x30 mg (blis.PVC/PE/PVDC/Al))15.5.2019O
 7.6.2019GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Czech Republic s.r.o. (GAG-CZ)26985Panadol Baby (sup 10x125 mg (strip PVC/PE))7.6.2019O
 27.5.2019GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A. (GAG)52845Rotarix perorálna suspenzia v naplnenom perorálnom aplikátore (sus por 1x1,5 ml ( napl. skl. peror. aplikátor))27.5.2019O
 6.5.2019Teva B.V. (TEV-NL-4)94916Ambrobene 15 mg (sol inj 5x2 ml/15 mg (liek.inj.))10.5.2019O

Subject means:
U-Placement of medicine to Slovakian market, R-Discontinuation of medicine supply to Slovakian market,
O-Resumption of medicine supply to Slovakian market, Z-Cancelation of medicine supply to Slovakian market

Date from